TLIWR (Too long I won't read); 

Still in very early phase, but have fun and give cool feedbacks!

WASD or Arrow Keys for movement,

Space for booster and temporary immunity

Q for teleport (If you have disposition device unlocked!)
1-2-3 for choosing reward, alternatively you can use buttons to pick :P


Embark on a thrilling journey through space in this prototype space shooter bullet heaven game! As a full-stack web developer and musician, this is my first foray into game development, and I'm excited to share it with you on

In this game, you'll face relentless (kind of) waves of enemies, dodging some meteors and dangerous energy waves as you fight to survive. While most of the assets are still in prototype and too far from being complete, the core gameplay is almost ready for testing and giving me feedback I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I've enjoyed making it.

Thank you for supporting indie game development, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my prototype!

Built with Godot 4.x,

This prototype represents my early steps in game development, and I'm eager to continue learning and improving with each project.

The cool stuff I've learned by working on this project,

  1. Game Development: especially 2D.
  2. Different Behaviors:  also known as "states".
  3. Animations, Tweens and Timers: I've implemented various types of game objects using different animations and tweens.
  4. Spawners, Godot Signals and various optimizations
  5.  UI Elements, Canvas Layers, how to get them synced with game state and update if necessary
  6. Particle Effects
  7. Shaders, very confusing subject for a fellow web developer like me, but I got the core logic of shaders
  8. Reusable components a.k.a Resources in Godot
  9. Audio and Singletons
  10. Basic Save and Load system

Overall, I've gained valuable experience in game development and have a good understanding of various game development concepts and techniques. And it will be definitely useful for me in future.

While I made most of the assets myself, still there are couple royalty-free UI assets from following asset packs on

Thanks to these generous pixel artists for providing these cool assets to community, please support them <3 ! Gravity FX

Development log

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